At the end of 2020, the Creative Space for Mental Health was opened in the center of Belgrade. It is a space where users of psychiatric services have the opportunity to participate in various activities that support their recovery.

The activities can be divided into 5 categories: educational-occupational program, such as art programs, English and computer classes, psychosocial-psychotherapeutic program, such as art therapy and therapy groups, peer support program – Hearing voices support groups, economic and social empowerment program.

In Serbia, mental health is a burning issue, especially now that we are facing the challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic brings with it. There is a noticeable increase in the number of people who face various psychological problems and difficulties, caused by the uncertainty and fear that this situation causes.

Association Prostor has been actively working for more than a decade, providing support to users of psychiatric services, as well as raising public awareness on the topic of mental health. The project „Creative space for mental health“ is supported through the program “Together for an active civil society – ACT”, a project of the Swiss Government implemented by Helvetas and Citizen Initiatives and by the European Commission.

By organizing regular structured activities outside the hospital, Prostor provides support for improving the quality of life, socialization and improving the position in society of people with mental health problems. They spend most of their time alone, they are often under strong medications that reduce their willpower and energy, so they need a lot of motivation to get moving and be active. Prostor decided to devote his work to providing motivation and support that are crucial for their recovery.